540 Views Are you going to study abroad? Your social protection varies according to the country in which you reside. Find out more about your situation to better prepare your stay. Are you going to study…
Monthly Archives For April 2022
Going to Study Abroad: Why? How to do ?
594 ViewsEvery year many young French people go abroad for training, an internship, or a language stay. Before leaving, be sure of your choice and find all the important information thanks to Diplomeo! student Whether…
Éduthèque, educational, cultural and scientific resources for teachers
577 ViewsThe “Éduthèque” program provides teachers and their students with free and secure access to digital educational resources from the offers of major public cultural and scientific establishments with which the ministry has entered into…

A companying resources for modern foreign and regional languages in cycles 2, 3 and 4
1,133 ViewsSupport resources for modern foreign and regional languages have been designed for cycles 2, 3 and 4 in order to highlight the continuity and progressiveness of learning throughout compulsory schooling. They offer educational, didactic…
Educational resources offered by the British Council
731 ViewsWithin the framework of Franco-British cooperation, many projects have been initiated and educational resources created which are to be shared and disseminated. The year 2016 marked after 2014 the second high point of the…
The online training catalog of French higher education establishments.?
597 ViewsRegistering for distance learning in a French higher education institution is currently the best way to get closer to the campus of the institution that will welcome you for the year 2020/2021 if you…

710 ViewsChoosing to be an international student could greatly expand your educational opportunities. Foreign universities in the United States, United Kingdom or Australia have very reputable institutions, and these three countries are home to a…