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 Are you going to study abroad? Your social protection varies according to the country in which you reside. Find out more about your situation to better prepare your stay.

Are you going to study in Europe in a State of the European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA) or in Switzerland?

Before your departure, obtain the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) . It will allow you to certify your rights to health insurance and to benefit from on-site coverage of your medical care, according to the legislation and formalities in force in the country of stay.

Consult the List of European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) countries page on the website.

Note: if you exercise a professional activity in the Member State where you pursue your studies, you will be affiliated with the local social security system of this Member State. You will therefore no longer be affiliated with the French social security system. Find out about the country’s healthcare system and check which medical expenses are reimbursable.

Before your departure: ask for the European health insurance card

During your stay: in case of medical care

During your stay: in the event of an accident at your place of study


If you continue your studies abroad, in a non-European country, your social protection varies according to your host country. Some States (outside the EU/EEA/Switzerland) have signed a social security agreement with France in order to allow your care to be covered either by the French Health Insurance or by the social security system of the State where your studies are going on. To find out how your treatment may be covered, quickly contact your health insurance fund or the European and International Social Security Liaison Center (Cleiss).

1 – In a country that has signed a social security agreement providing for the payment of student care: Quebec or Andorra

Are you going to study in Quebec?

Are you going to study in Andorra?

2 – In a country without a social security agreement with France or with an agreement without specific mention of the case of students

Your coverage may vary depending on your age and the length of your study period abroad:

You are under 20 years old or your period of study abroad is less than 6 months

You are over 20 years old or your period of study abroad is longer than 6 months


Before leaving, find out about the health status of the country and check the medical costs that may remain your responsibility.

In some countries, medical costs are very expensive (for example, costs related to hospitalization in the United States or Canada). It is therefore recommended to take out an assistance or insurance contract, which guarantees the reimbursement of medical expenses incurred and medical repatriation in the event of illness abroad.

For more information , you can contact:

your health insurance fund  ;

your health insurance if you have one;

your “comprehensive home” insurer in France or another company offering contracts for travellers;

your bank if you have credit cards;

your travel agency;

the Center for European and International Social Security Liaison (Cleiss) (external site);

the Caisse des Français de l’Étranger (CFE) (external site);

the Minisry of Foreign Affairs (external site).


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