Going to Study Abroad: Why? How to do ?

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Every year many young French people go abroad for training, an internship, or a language stay. Before leaving, be sure of your choice and find all the important information thanks to Diplomeo!


Whether for an internship, a semester or even an entire year of training, many students choose to go abroad. This kind of adventure is not prepared lightly! If the decision is not always easy to make, few are those who regret this unique experience. So, don’t hesitate to get started, and let yourself be convinced to go abroad

Why go to study abroad?

Studying abroad is a unique experience in a student’s life. It is both an opportunity to become familiar with a new country , to discover a different culture, to broaden one’s knowledge, to learn a language and to obtain a diploma at the end of the training. In short, the reasons for going abroad as a student are diverse and varied, but also and above all specific to each person. Here are some examples of patterns that might convince you!

Improve in the language

A large majority of students go to a foreign country to learn the local language . If they see this need, it is because today’s business world requires the mastery of at least two languages ​​(English being very often one of the two).

 Mastering a new language (or even being bilingual) can be decisive if you wish to join certain major schools of business , international business , engineering , etc. It can also be an asset for accessing training in international trade such as a bachelor ‘s degree , a bachelor’s degree, a professional bachelor ‘s degree , a Immersion in local life as well as taking courses in the language can thus allow students to easily master an additional foreign language

Opening up internationally means opening up to new practices and behaviors . It also means discovering other learning methods .

International experiences are widely preferred in a career. If you want to work internationally, the mastery of the culture acquired during the different years of study abroad greatly increases your chances of breaking into your field. The experiences lived during the years abroad are stimulating for the students.

What are the different types of study abroad?

Directly after the baccalaureate or after having followed a first course in higher education, you can decide to go abroad to improve your language level and/or bring real added value to your CV. Here are some options available to you if you are considering studying .

Enroll in a language study program

Language stays are extremely interesting in terms of opening up to the world and learning languages. These are programs of varying lengths allowing anyone, whatever their age, to go more or less far from their country. A language stay can be a good option in particular for people planning to leave time after the baccalaureate before starting training, but wishing to improve their language level

The advantage of language stays is indeed their flexibility and their ability to find the stay that best suits your expectations and your profile. You will have, for example, the choice between different types of courses, different types of accommodation…

Follow your studies by enrolling in an exchange program

There  are many exchange programs if you want to go abroad… and Erasmus does not have a monopoly on them! Erasmus allows students to go to one of the 28 member states of the European Union and to benefit from scholarships as well as registration facilities. However, you can also go through, among other things, CREPUQ to study in Quebec or the MICEFA program (Mission Inter universitaire de Coordination Échanges Franco-Américains). In any case, an exchange program is organized very early, places being very limited and the demand, much higher than the offer.

Students can follow their studies abroad whether it is to prepare a bachelor’s, a master’s or a doctorate. It is simply necessary to be well informed about the equivalences of diplomas in the event of further studies. A student who has followed a two-year course and obtained his BTS or his DUT can very well prepare his license in a foreign establishment of his choice. But it depends on the university chosen: some institutes may not recognize the diploma and require the candidate to return to the second year. In some cases, it suffices to specify in the file the subjects as well as the program followed.

For European students, travel is facilitated by the Erasmus program . Access to universities is not a problem and a visa is not necessary. In addition, the diplomas are recognized in all European countries.

Study in France and abroad to obtain a double degree

The double degree is a holy grail for students considering an international career. Several choices are available to you if you are aiming for a double degree. Firstly, there are Grandes Ecoles and universities offering dual degrees to students doing alternating schooling between

Internship abroad or volunteering

It is also possible to leave as part of your studies, but without going to a university. The Grandes Ecoles offer to take gap years during their course, the opportunity to go, for example, to carry out an international volunteering mission.

Doing an internship  in a French company abroad or in a foreign company is also possible. Internships in companies abroad are highly valued. However, you should know that no legislation governs internships abroad and students are not always paid. An internship agreement must be drawn up between the intern and the company in order to determine the conditions.



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