Modern Language Programs and Resources – GT Path

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The programs for common and optional teaching of modern languages ​​for the general and technological second class and for the first and final classes of the general and technological pathways are presented in conjunction with resources to support their implementation.

Current programs

The program of common and optional lessons in modern languages ​​for the general and technological second class and the first and final classes of the general and technological tracks is defined by the decree of 17-1-2019 published in the special BO n ° 1 of the January 22, 2019.

Supporting Resources

The programs are part of the continuity of existing programs, are based on the CEFR and aim to develop the autonomy of the student in the practice of modern languages ​​in the various language activities.

Support resources for the second class

Language Programs
Teacher Helping Female High School Student In Classroom Using Textbook

The accompanying resources have been designed as examples, with no desire for modeling or exhaustiveness, in the treatment of axes and notions or in the didactic and pedagogical use of the study materials.

The examples of media have been chosen to reflect the intellectual ambition of the programs and to make people want to discover documents of a different, authentic and varied nature and genre.

Depending on the resources, these supports will be introduced by an analysis (necessary prior to any choice of support) intended to clarify their specificity and their didactic potential. The support constitutes a guide for the construction of the linguistic and cultural objectives.

The introduction of key words as points of support aims to facilitate the use of resources and the exploitation of documents by making it possible to get to the essentials effectively. Students can find in this presentation a way to learn to conceptualize, to memorize, to build a problem, from the keywords selected for their relevance.

The paths for educational exploitation will revolve around a common thread, with examples of problematization and multiple approaches, which should allow reflection on the conceptualization and organization of teaching in a dynamic programming. More or less dense projects and work anchored in the culture of the countries of the language concerned make it possible to meet the requirements of the programs.

The resources will also integrate some thematic contributions reflecting on the aspects highlighted in the programs, in particular the study of the language. It would be interesting to consult certain resources offered in the different languages.

The theme “the art of living together” is broken down into eight axes that can be used to varying degrees in different languages. Avenues of use and suitable media are proposed below.

Specific resources

In order to complete  the pedagogical support in modern languages , resources dedicated to Arabic, Chinese and Japanese have been produced by groups of experts led by the General Directorate for School Education in close partnership with the Inspectorate. General of National Education, Youth and Sports. These resources aim in particular to support teachers in the design of learning sequences and in the development of evaluation tools.


The  reference  for the Arabic language makes it possible to determine the linguistic content necessary according to the levels of competence of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFRL). This is an original work that is part of the reflection carried out for many years in didactics of teaching the Arabic language, in connection with the design of programs and accompanying resources. This repository takes into account the linguistic, cultural and didactic specificities of the Arabic language. This tool should promote progressive learning.


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