Within the framework of Franco-British cooperation, many projects have been initiated and educational resources created which are to be shared and disseminated.
The year 2016 marked after 2014 the second high point of the commemorations of the centenary of the First World War. On this occasion, 300 young French people and 300 young British people took part in the July 1 , 2016 ceremony at the Thiepval Memorial.

Photo by Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for American Education: Images of Teachers and Students in Action
“600 young people for a centenary”: a cultural and educational project
24 French establishments from the Amiens Academy worked in tandem with their British partners during the 6 months leading up to the ceremony. At the end of this work, 600 students from these partner establishments presented their shared memory work in the form of an artistic production ( pop-up museum ) on ” The Battle of the Somme 1916-2016: a hundred years later “.
See the educational resources related to the commemorations of the Battle of the Somme and to the historical and cultural issues of the First World War.
Shakespeare and his work
Shakespeare Lives is an international program celebrating the work of Shakespeare and his influence on culture, education and society. It was launched on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the playwright’s death. It is implemented in more than 140 countries and allows to participate in online projects, to access educational resources and to attend new productions of Shakespeare’s plays, film screenings, exhibitions and readings. public.
In this context, the British Council and the Royal Shakespeare Company have developed educational resources.
Science in Schools
The Science in Schools program combines languages and science. It consists of welcoming British researchers responsible for leading scientific workshops in English at school, college and high school. Dedicated digital resources have been created. The aim is to provide teachers with resources that can be used before, during and after the workshop.
Each link opens on a summary page presenting the objectives of the sequence, the age of the students, the disciplines concerned and the necessary preparation
See the educational file of this workshop which includes:
For other examples of the implementation of these workshops in the various academies, you can consult the Science in Schools page .
Examples of educational cooperation projects between establishments
The Ministry of National Education has signed cooperation agreements with the ministries in charge of education in England and Scotland. These agreements provide an institutional and legal framework in which French and British teachers and students develop links and participate in innovative and enriching interdisciplinary projects.
Benefit from financial support for your Franco-British school projects
Including a European and international dimension in school programs and learning is an ambition shared by the two countries. The Lefèvre and Charles de Gaulle scholarships finance reciprocal visit projects and collaborative work throughout the year between partner establishments.
Charles de Gaulle scholarships concern the mobility of young people between the ages of 17 and 19 with the aim of acquiring transversal skills promoting employability. They particularly target the technological and professional sections.
Shakespeare revisited
The Flora Tristan College of the Toulouse Academy and the South Holderness Technology College in Hull worked on Romeo and Juliet, performed the play on stage and produced a bilingual film.
The Classroom Resources database
This database intended to support educational cooperation between establishments offers many activities, lesson plans and teaching sequences classified by theme, age and keyword.
You will find complete files in English on subjects as varied as Dickens, the Great War, the climate, sport, theatre, citizenship…
Operation “Rivers of the World”
The “Rivers of the World” project piloted by the City of London in conjunction with the British Council and the Paris Academy has combined visual arts and a foreign language. Parisian colleges have worked with establishments in Greater London on the production, with the advice of a British artist, of giant canvases on the theme of the river exhibited along the Thames and in the town halls of the 6th, 13th and 19th e arrondissements of Paris. All of the participants’ works were exhibited in the Parc de Bercy in Paris in June 2011 for the water festival in partnership with the Paris City Hall. Thirteen countries took part in this operation.
The Claude Chappe, George Sand and Montaigne colleges (works from right to left opposite) exhibited a joint work on the theme of France during the closing ceremony of the London Olympics in July 2012.
Franco-English youth conference
The Paris Agreements signed by the French and English Ministers of Education set themselves the objective of intensifying educational cooperation between the two countries, in particular by taking the initiative for exchanges and school partnerships. The annual youth conference is one of the highlights of this action.
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