A companying resources for modern foreign and regional languages ​​in cycles 2, 3 and 4

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Support resources for modern foreign and regional languages ​​have been designed for cycles 2, 3 and 4 in order to highlight the continuity and progressiveness of learning throughout compulsory schooling. They offer educational, didactic and scientific tools. These resources were produced by groups of

Captain Kelly, a voice assistant for education

The Captain Kelly voice assistant offers a set of short and varied activities to teach and learn English from CP to CM2. The flexibility of this resource allows the school teacher to integrate it into his teaching sessions in a progressive and differentiated way.

General presentation of resources in modern languages ​​(foreign and regional)

Modern foreign and regional language programs “do not go into the detail of class practices, the approaches of teachers; they let the latter appreciate how best to achieve the objectives of the programs according to the real situations they encounter in the daily exercise of their profession” as specified in the foreword to the program for cycle 4.

Guide for the teaching of modern foreign languages

The main objective of the guide “Guide for the teaching of modern foreign languages ​​- Daring to use modern foreign languages ​​at school is to help teachers design and practice regular, motivating and effective teaching of modern languages , by based both on solid theoretical bases and on examples of implementation described in great detail.

Guide for the teaching of modern foreign languages

The resources proposed here are intended to  support the teams in their reflection on the preparation and implementation of the modern language course. Their aim is to provide ways to adapt and develop according to student profiles and data specific to each class  and each establishment, to feed the educational initiative of teachers and teams, and not to freeze or to impose a model.

They are based on the new elementary and middle school curricula, themselves linked to the common base of knowledge, skills and culture.


They partly reproduce the resources published in November 2014 “Teaching modern languages”, emphasizing the cycle logic of the new programs and the diversity of the languages ​​taught.

The four major themes that make up  their architecture highlight the constant concerns of the language course, which are to make people want to learn languages ​​and to open up to other cultures , to always aim for a progressive enrichment of knowledge and skills, to combine linguistic work and cultural contribution.

Create an environment conducive to learning

The introduction of the learning of modern languages ​​from first grade places language teaching before a double challenge: that of giving young children the confidence to discover an unknown culture and language and that of stimulating curiosity for a period of time. learning that lengthens, in LV1 and LV2. Classroom layout, use of digital, real or virtual exchanges are all means available to the teacher to meet it.

Develop a consistent progression

The introduction of a logic of cycles, one of which connects primary and secondary, reaffirms the  need for a “spiral” progression which makes it possible to rely on the achievements to enrich them, taking care to avoid the trampling . Recognizing and valuing students’ achievements is a fundamental basis on which to develop interest and motivation in language learning.

The new programs are a continuation of the previous ones. Thus,  the students will be trained in comprehension and expression, orally and in writing  (when the time comes),  these language activities being linked to each other within a rigorously constructed sequence .

The definition of a sequence project makes it possible to give concrete and explicit meaning to learning. However, it should be kept in mind that this project (often called “final task”) remains a means and not an end. The purpose of a language sequence is above all to develop the student’s language skills through a finer and more in-depth knowledge of the language and the culture that underlies it.

An choring learning in the culture

To be effective, teaching a living language presupposes  combining the two dimensions of language and culture, which are so closely linked  that considering them separately contributes to denying what a language really is. That this language is spoken in countries more or less distant from each other in no way prevents a community of representations, nor variations which reinforce, precisely, an anchoring in a given reality.


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