Éduthèque, educational, cultural and scientific resources for teachers

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The “Éduthèque” program provides teachers and their students with free and secure access to digital educational resources from the offers of major public cultural and scientific establishments with which the ministry has entered into a partnership. It is intended for all primary and secondary school teachers who can register on the dedicated portal using their professional address or have access to it directly via their digital workspace (ENT).

A public service digital education program

The Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports is building the “School of Trust” to ensure the success of primary and secondary school students. Enriching lessons, developing artistic and cultural education, ensuring the continuity of public service in all the territories of the Republic, opening the School to Europe and the world are the strong axes of its action. Éduthèque provides free and secure access to a set of resources allowing teachers to implement any disciplinary and multidisciplinary educational project with their students, in particular for artistic and cultural education, media and information education, moral and civic education .

The ” registration ” page of the portal allows the teacher to create his account using his professional address , as well as to associate a “class account” for his students; it is still possible to create this account dedicated to students a posteriori via the teacher’s “my account” page when the latter is already connected to the portal.

All primary and secondary school teachers have free access to thousands of digital educational resources, selected and structured with the help of the ministry: images, videos, audio files, animations, texts, models, 3D animations… The partners of the ministry also offer many digital services and educational materials associated with this content.

Lumni teaching

The single “Lumni” platform brings together the resources offered by all the players in the public audiovisual sector: ARTE, France Télévisions, INA, Radio France, RFI, TV5 Monde. In addition to content intended for the general public and educators, there are more than 3,000 content specifically dedicated to teachers from primary school to high school to be found in the Lumni teaching offer

The Prisme7 video game from the Center Pompidou invites you to discover major works from the collection of the National Museum of Modern Art by offering an immersive experience in an artistic and poetic universe.

The Minetest video game module for edugeo completes the collection of modules offered by the National Institute for Geographic and Forest Information (IGN) as part of its Éduthèque offer. This innovative digital service makes it possible to interpret the geographical data produced by the IGN while evolving in a self-generated virtual world from the national territory of one’s choice.

Teach with Éduthèque

More than 180 educational scenarios for secondary education can be consulted in Édubase .

In addition, a collection of educational scenarios for middle and high school has been produced by teachers using Europeana resources  :

Interactive listening guide to build a literary and artistic culture

The approach implemented aims to discover Goethe’s ballad, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice , with support allowing students in cycle 3 to access the understanding of a complex text. . The interactive listening guide available on Philharmonie de Paris promotes active listening which allows an initial analysis of Dukas’ symphonic poem.

Author’s texts and a video to understand a literary work

The students discover the Roman de Renart , using video and text media from the BnF . In this session, the pupils discover the character of the Fox in literature with the help of texts by different authors featuring a fox. This makes it possible to define the characteristics of this literary character and to deepen the knowledge of the literary genre.

Exploration of a work and visual production

The proposed approach is based on the exploration of a work by Gaston Chaissac from the Center Pompidou . Through this, the class is engaged in many plastic activities enriched by language activities. This pedagogical scenario is thus placed at the service of a project to create a collective production giving meaning to learning.

Encounter of works to enrich the language

Resources from the Bnf complete a learning sequence on the marine environment. Their use allows kindergarten students to enrich language through observation and comparison of reproductions of plastic works.

Multimedia documents for a study of royal power under Louis XIV

Through the study of many resources from Rmn-Histoire par l’image and the Palace of Versailles , the proposed approach allows students to gradually build a precise vision of the royal power of Louis XIV and life at Versailles.

Maps and aerial photographs to measure distances

During this session, the students are led to use the distance measurement tools in IGN-Édugéo in order to understand the organization of the urban environment. The application’s digital tools are used to overlay maps to compare them, enlarge portions of maps to see details, search for a specific location…

Video animation to understand the day-night alternation and the cycle of the seasons

During an investigation process, the Météo France resource leads the pupils to compare their initial representations with an animated simulation of the rotation of the earth. They are thus able to describe the movements of the Earth, its rotation on itself and the day-night alternation, its revolution around the sun and the cycle of the seasons


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